If you have questions or concerns you would like to discuss with me please use whichever of the following methods of contact suits you.
Margaret Halsmith
Principal Practitioner
Postal Address
Halsmith Dispute Resolution
PO Box 194

Feedback including compliments, concerns and complaints
I welcome your comments and feedback.
Compliments and concerns
Your feedback is valuable for the continuous improvement of my practice. The following questions are intended to assist you to reflect on your experience and structure your feedback. Please answer any or all of them.
What went well?
What didn't go as well as you would have liked?
What do you suggest we consider doing differently?
What would you say to someone who asked you for a recommendation of a mediator?
Thank you for your time and your thoughts.
Directly to me
If you have a complaint I would appreciate hearing directly from you. I will consider and then respond to feedback that is a complaint.
Independently of me
I provide all mediation and FDR participants with details of how to provide feedback. This includes information on submitting comments, whether concerns, compliments or complaints in confidence through an independent third person.
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Image Credit: Robert Woods