Thursday Topics for New Practitioners
Read the Thursday Topics Brochure
Thursday Topics is specifically designed for New Practitioners. Experienced Practitioners may like to consider Monday Modules.
New Practitioners include those who
are seeking to mediate with flow having perhaps been mediating somewhat mechanistically
are clear on what a mediator does and are seeking to refine how a mediator practices
are open to a more subtle appreciation of the mediation role rather than assessing their mediations as either ‘on track’ or ‘off track’
would like to review stages of the model now having the experience of real participants with real conflict
Thursday Topics is suitable for a broad range of Practitioners who are relatively new to Dispute Resolution including Mediators, FDRPs, Conciliators, Registrars, Conferencing Chairs and other Dispute Resolution Practitioners.
Thursday Topics is an accessible and flexible online series of eight 2 hour Mini Workshop sessions. Select your package of specific sessions or package up all 8 sessions. Refer to the About Thursday Topics Section for session times and dates.
Join an online Scheduled Group if that suits you or form your online Custom Group of 6 to negotiate scheduling including start times and day-of-the-week for sessions. One-to-one sessions offering the same content as the group sessions are available by arrangement.
Each group session is limited to a very small group of 4 to 6 participants and focuses on a specific stage of the mediation process. Each session commences with identification of the main purpose of the stage under discussion. This is followed by consideration of how that stage is linked to previous and following stages. The third segment of the session develops generic examples of skills, interventions and approaches which are designed to achieve the purpose of the stage effectively. After some tips for tricky situations, you leave each session with a rationale and framework for the stage and with skills to start and end the stage with confidence.
Thursday Topics is delivered by Margaret Halsmith, one of Australia’s prominent Mediators and an experienced, enthusiastic and highly effective educator. You can read about Margaret’s enthusiastic, wise and highly effective approach to PD on the Professional Development home page and about her mediation practice and her DR community roles on the About Margaret page.
You can read recent PD Testimonials here.

Finding your way around Thursday Topics
Thursday Topics is one of the Professional Practitioner PD programs I offer. It is your opportunity to attend to your practice of mediation, one stage at a time. If you are seeking to explore specific aspects of your practice in greater depth, you may find Coaching for Mediator Practice or Coaching for FDR Practice more suitable.
The About page has more about the HDR approach to Professional Development in general.

About Thursday Topics
Thursday Topics group sessions are for groups of 4 to 6 new Practitioners. One-to-one sessions offering the same content as the group sessions are available by arrangement.
Each week the 2 hour Thursday Topics session focuses on one of the following stages
1. Mediator’s opening comments
2. Participants’ opening comments
3. Mediator’s restatement
4. Agenda setting
5. Issue clarification and exploration
6. Option development
7. Decision-making
8. Agreement writing
Session components include, among others
Main Purpose
identifying the core purpose of the stage of the model
rationale for the stage
framework for the stage
Links to previous and subsequent stages
entering to the stage
exiting from the stage
Generic skills
developing 3 examples of questions specific to accomplishing the core purpose of the stage
developing 3 skills specific to accomplishing the core purpose of the stage Issues that can arise
You can select from
Online groups: national
Online one-to-one: national by arrangement
Face-to-face groups and one-to-one: Perth by arrangement
Join an online Scheduled Group if that suits you or form your Custom Group of 6 to negotiate scheduling including start times and day-of-the-week for sessions. One-to-one sessions offering the same content as the group sessions are available by arrangement.
Scheduled Groups Session Schedule
Schedule Update 20 February 2019
2019 Trimester 2 Scheduled Group
Pending minimum numbers
2019 Trimester 3 Scheduled Group
Pending minimum numbers
Online 6:30-8:30pm AEST/4:30-6:30pm AWST
Online 6:30-8:30pm AEST/4:30-6:30pm AWST
7:30-9:30pm AEDT/4:30-6:30pm AWST
Mediator’s opening comments
Participants’ opening comments
Mediator’s summary
Agenda setting
Issue clarification & exploration
Option development
Agreement writing
Optional - First Separate Session (1SS)
2 May
9 May
16 May
23 May
30 May
6 Jun
13 Jun
20 Jun
Mediator’s opening comments
Participants’ opening comments
Mediator’s summary
Agenda setting
Issue clarification & exploration
Option development
Agreement writing
Optional - First Separate Session (1SS)
Custom Groups and One-to-One
Custom Groups of 6 and One-to-One sessions are conducted online. In person sessions may be conducted in Perth by arrangement. Scheduling is as negotiated.
Fee Schedule
Payment is in advance by EFT in accordance with the following.
Scheduled Group Fee (including GST) per person
Payment in Advance in
1 instalment (8 session block)
2 instalments (4 session blocks)
4 instalments (2 session blocks)
per Instalment
Custom Group Fee and One-to-One Fee by negotiation.
Make your bookings with the HDR Practice Manager at
Each Group has a maximum of 6 participants. Bookings are allocated in the order in which they are received. You may choose to be waitlisted for any fully booked Group.
Form a Custom Group of 6 and negotiate scheduling.
Payment details will be advised to you after you book with
Confirmation of your place in a session requires payment of the instalment at least 1 week in advance of the first session of the block.
Places not confirmed will be offered to those on the waitlist for the Group.
Please refer to the Postponement and non-Attendance Section below for information about these matters.

Your Professional outcomes
Generally speaking, your professional outcomes will include fresh perspectives on professional challenges and a sense of renewal in your practice. Your specific outcomes are likely to include some of those below as well as outcomes particular to your goals. That is, you can expect a unique blend of outcomes.
Personal outcomes: puts ‘the professional into the practitioner’
increased professional confidence
increased professional satisfaction
experience of giving and receiving feedback
Knowledge outcomes: puts ‘the meaning into the model’
clarity regarding core purposes of each of the stages
review of theories and principles
extension of knowledgebase
Practical outcomes: puts ‘the practice into the process’
continuity from stage to stage
clarity regarding the role of the mediator
explanation of purpose from participants’ perspective
accomplishment of the purpose through principled process
identification of approaches and interventions
a bank of stage-specific questions to ask participants
clear criteria for participants’ readiness for the following stage
ideas to address tricky issues

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS)
To maintain national accreditation, NMAS requires that a mediator must undertake CPD of at least 25 hours each two year period that contributes to the knowledge, skills and ethical principles contained in the Approval Standards (refer Part II para 3.5 of the NMAS document)
The hours spent in Thursday Topics contribute to meeting this requirement and have been described as Participating in education or Reflecting on practice.
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) Professional Development
Under the FDRP Regulations, accredited FDR practitioners must undertake at least 24 hours of education, training or professional development in FDR in every two year period from the date of accreditation. (refer Section 2 of Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Obligations – Accreditation).
The hours spent in Thursday Topics contribute to meeting this Obligation and would usually be claimed as training, conferences or seminars relevant to the provision of FDR.
Legal Practice Board of WA Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
CPD points for attendance at Thursday Topics can be claimed by submitting an Application for Approval of a Single CPD Activity by a Participant.
Postponement and non Attendance
If you are unable to attend a session for which you have a confirmed booking, ie for which payment has been made, the following arrangements apply
Postponement 5 or more working days in advance
A credit of 100% of the fee for the session toward future sessions
Postponement at least 4 working days in advance
A credit of 50% of the fee for the session toward future sessions
Postponement at least 2 working days in advance
A credit 25% of the charge for the session towards future sessions
Postponement less than 2 working days in advance or non-attendance without prior advice
No credit
Postponement by HDR
If unable to reschedule to a mutually convenient alternative day and time a full credit or refund, as appropriate, will be made
More information
This page provides an overview of Thursday Topics. . If you are seeking to explore specific aspects of your practice in greater depth, you may find Coaching for Mediator Practice or Coaching for FDR Practice more suitable.
Experienced Practitioners may like to consider Monday Modules.
You can read recent Testimonials here.
Online sessions are conducted using Zoom, a well-established and reliable web-based video conferencing service. It is straightforward to use and free.
A Guide on what to expect and pointers to getting started is provided.
The About Margaret page has more about my relevant experience, qualifications and accreditations. The About page has more about the HDR approach to Professional Development in general.
I tweet @HalsmithDisRes where you will find my thoughts on what characterises the essence of mediation and on threshold issues of the scope of mediation. My blog is Mediation Musings. It’s where I organise my thoughts on the many fascinating aspects of mediation.
I welcome your email or phone call to clarify any aspect of Thursday Topics.
Image Credit: Robert Woods